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Some of the areas in our EYFS Reception outdoor area. A large area for the children to explore and engage with their peers and teachers, offering so many opportunities to develop and extend their social and communication skills.


Two new areas have been created in our Mayflower garden & allotment. A shaded calm & chill area and a reuse creative area in the shed, ideal for the wetter & colder months.


The classrooms are ready and the displays look amazing as they await the work from the wonderful Mayflower pupils 💜


The teachers and staff are looking forward to our pupils returning to school tomorrow and welcoming our new Nursery and Reception children as they embark on their school journey 💜


KS1 and KS2 had their assemblies outside yesterday. They were fortunate to have a paramedic visit and deliver a Community First Aid Awareness session.


The first Butterflies Nursery class came down from Year 6 for a visit 🦋


Year 6 Prom last night! A great time was had by all - friends, dancing, sweets, pizza, ice cream and plenty of smiles and laughter 💜


Rock Steady Concert no.2 - part 2!


Rock Steady Concert no.2 - part 1. A show full of stars- amazing musicians and singers putting on a fantastic performance! 🥁🎹🎸🎤🎶⭐️


Year 3 walked to Chafford Hundred Gorge this morning as part of their Geography lessons with them stopping for a picnic lunch on the way back to school.


Rock Steady concert no. 1 The talent these children show is amazing and the courage they have at such a young age to perform in front of a large audience! 🎶🎤🎸🥁🎹 Well done to the bands that performed today.


Yesterday, the Nursery children discovered a couple of snails in the garden and decided to make a snail garden for them 🐌🐌 They worked together to gather leaves, stones and flowers to create it.


Wow! 🤩 Fantastic handwriting & independent writing progress in Reception. October to July ⭐️


The Year 6 residential in Yorkshire. They are all having a great time. So many different activities that have required teamwork, determination & bravery!


Bowling and arcade fun for the Year 6 children that have remained at school this week 🎳🕹️


HPAMA v Thameside cricket match on Tuesday. The girls played exceptionally well, showing great team spirit but unfortunately they missed out on a win by a few runs.


The Nursery children showing fantastic progression in their name writing. In October they attempted to copy their names, now in July they can write their first names and surnames independently.


Piano lessons . These Reception pupils have only been having lessons for 4 months. AMAZING! 🎹🤩


Day 1 with their groups for the week 😀😀😀


Smiles all round as Year 6 arrived at Newby Wiske Hall yesterday.

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Music Intent Statement 

Music is an art form that expresses ideas and emotions through sound, rhythm, melody or harmony. Music is a form of language which evokes movement and emotion.  Music engages the brain while stimulating neural pathways associated with higher forms of intelligence, memory and an improved mental health.

At Harris Primary Mayflower in our teaching of music we will cover:

  • Pitch, Duration, Dynamics, Tempo, Timbre, Texture and Structure, Composition, Performance
  • A range of styles of music
  • History of music

Intent: introduction, vision and philosophy

The purpose of this document is to clarify the how, why and what of music teaching at Harris Primary Mayflower.  This is to be used by staff to clarify expectations, highlight the resources that we have access to, and to ensure that a high-quality music curriculum is being taught to all of our pupils in our academy. 


We ensure that our music teaching engages and inspires our pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.  As our pupils progress, we see them develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.


As part of our teaching at Harris Mayflower we strive to provide children with the skills needed to be a musician, which include being analytical, being able to persevere, listening, communicate effectively with others and to have a sense of rhythm.  We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children.  Our teaching focuses on developing our children’s ability to sing in tune both on their own and as part of a group.  We teach them to listen and appreciate different forms of music and provide them with the vocabulary to effectively participate in discussions based on their own opinion of different pieces of music.  We encourage our children to use their analytical skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent feelings and emotions, critically engaging both in the work of composers, their own and their peer’s work.

Implementation: what does Music teaching look like?

Music in the Early Years Foundation Stage

At Harris Primary Mayflower children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.  This is done through singing songs and listening to a range of music types.  We also have access to a wide range of musical instruments.  We encourage our children to join in with a wide variety of songs and dances and give them the opportunity within our provision to experiment with how different objects and instruments make noises.

Music in Key Stage 1 and 2

Throughout key stage 1 and 2 at Harris Primary Mayflower, we use a progression grid which outlines the minimum expectation of what should be taught in each year group including relevant vocabulary.  By following this progression, we ensure that knowledge is building upon what the children have remembered from what they have previously been taught.

We recognise that the national curriculum is a minimum expectation of what should be taught to our children therefore we strive to deepen our students’ understanding.  To ensure that this is part of our teaching at Harris Primary Mayflower we have outlined examples of how students would show a deeper understanding of music:

Each half term a new unit is taught which covers the National Curriculum objectives and allows our children to make meaningful connections.  Across key stage 1 and 2, music is taught for one hour a week, broken into 2x 30-minute lessons. One focuses on music and the other on singing.

Across key stage 1 and 2, music is taught for one hour a week, broken into 2x 30-minute lessons. One focuses on music and the other on singing.


Our pupils have the opportunity to record their music learning in a variety of ways, which is then recorded in an end of unit video.  Evidence of learning is dependent on the lesson outcome, year group and the knowledge and skills being developed.  It could be in the form of: a performance, discussion, photographs, practising, pupil voice or teacher voice. 

Subject leaders conduct learning walks and pupil interviews to measure the impact of our teaching, based on how much children can remember and how they can articulate what they have learnt.

Subject leaders will meet with their counterparts from other cluster schools half-termly and will moderate the planning, work and monitoring outcomes from their setting to ensure that standards are exceeding the expectations of the National Curriculum.    

Ms Constance Falusi 

Music Lead


Music Intent 21st Feb 2024 Download
Music Annual Overview 13th Jun 2024 Download